Health Information Management Technology 4th Edition By Sayles -Test Bank
Instructor’s Manual
Chapter 1
Introduction to the HIM Profession
Lesson Plan
Background and Instructional Delivery
Every HIT student should be introduced to the HIM profession, the history of the profession, the driving forces for the development of the profession, the importance of the professional organization (AHIMA), and what it means to be a professional.
The beginning of this chapter presents a historical overview of the profession and lets the student know that they are becoming a member of a profession that has a long and rich history and was developed by a remarkable group of individuals who were committed to quality and to upholding patient confidentiality. While “history” may seem boring to some, the instructor can effectively introduce this topic in an upbeat way by showing students that they are joining an elite group of individuals.
It is important for HIT students to recognize that the profession is constantly evolving and that job skills must continually be updated. Therefore, the second part of the chapter talks about the evolution of practice. While many students may go on to entry-level jobs that still are at a level of traditional practice, HITs must recognize that in the next decade many of their jobs (if not most of them) will transition to a more data-oriented focus. To introduce the concept of change in general, have students make a list of changes that they have seen in the last five years. For example, did all people have smartphones five years ago that included digital pictures and Internet connectivity? Did the iPad exist five years ago? Instructors can then use the Theory into Practice case as a point for providing a discussion about how the profession is changing.
The chapter concludes with an “upbeat” focus, introducing the student to today’s professional organization. An important part of this section is to have the student understand the importance of the role of the professional association in promoting the professionalism of its members, particularly through program accreditation and individual certification. If you are using a classroom with an Internet connection, go on live to the AHIMA website and guide the students through the site, stressing how AHIMA and the profession are prominent within the healthcare community.
Chapter Outline
Learning Objectives
Key Terms
Theory into Practice
Early History of Health Information Management
Hospital Standardization
Organization of the Association of Records Librarians
Approval of Formal Education and Certification Programs
Evolution of Practice
Traditional Practice
Information-Oriented Management Practice
Visioning the Future of HIM
From Traditional Roles to New Opportunities
Today’s Professional Organization
Structure and Operation
Association Leadership
Communities of Practice
National Committees
House of Delegates
State and Local Associations
Staff Structure
Accreditation of Educational Programs
Certification and Registration Programs
Fellowship Program
The AHIMA Foundation
Health Information Management Specialty Professional Organizations
Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society
Association for Healthcare Documentation Integrity
American Academy of Professional Coders
National Cancer Registrars Association
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009—Community College Consortia to Educate Health Information Technology Professionals
Real-World Case
Additional Resources
Learning Objectives
- Summarize the development of the health information management profession from its beginnings to the present
- Discuss how professional practice must evolve to accommodate changes in the healthcare environment
- Identify the responsibilities of health information management professionals
- Describe the purpose and structure of the American Health Information Management Association
- Explain the certification processes of the American Health Information Management Association
- Discuss the accreditation process of the Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management Education (CAHIIM)
- Identify the appropriate professional organizations for the various specializations of health information management
Key Terms
Active membership
American Academy of Professional Coders
American Association of Medical Record
Librarians (AAMRL)
American College of Surgeons (ACS)
American Health Information
Management Association (AHIMA)
American Medical Record Association
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
of 2009
Association for Healthcare Documentation
Integrity (AHDI)
Association of Record Librarians of North
America (ARLNA)
Certified Documentation Improvement
Practitioner (CDIP)
Code of Ethics
Commission on Accreditation for
Health Informatics and Information
Management Education (CAHIIM)
Commission on Certification for
Health Informatics and Information
Management (CCHIIM)
Communities of Practice (CoP)
Community College Consortia to Educate
Health Information Technology
Component state associations (CSAs)
Fellowship Program
Health information management (HIM)
Hospital Standardization Program
House of Delegates
National Cancer Registrars Association
Registered Health Information
Administrator (RHIA)
Registered Health Information Technician
Student membership