Test Bank For Development Through Life A Psychosocial Approach 11th Edition By Barbara M. Newman
 ISBN 9781111344665 ISBN-10: 111134468X ISBN-13: 9781111344689
Table of Contents
1. The Development Through Life Perspective.
2. Major Theories for Understanding Human Development.
3. Psychosocial Theory.
4. The Period of Pregnancy and Prenatal Development.
5. lnfancy (First 24 Months).
6. Toddlerhood (Ages 2–3).
7. Early School Age (4–6 Years).
8. Middle Childhood (6–11 Years).
9. Early Adolescence (12–18 Years).
10. Later Adolescence (18–24 Years).
11. Early Adulthood (24–34 Years).
12. Middle Adulthood (34–60 Years).
13. Later Adulthood (60–75 Years).
14. Elderhood (75 Until Death).
15. Understanding Death, Dying, and Bereavement.
Appendix. The Research Process.